Friday, June 22, 2012

She left her scarf behind the other day, and with it the scent of her perfume and the sweat of her neck.

Monday, June 18, 2012


She'd known him for a while. The map of birthmarks, the constellation of scars, the mosaic of soft hair, pasty skin and redorangepink-tinted lips; she thought she knew him. She thought she'd recognize him anywhere.


She'd known him for a while. The power and beauty of his dreams, the colour and complexity of his demons and the things that turned his frown around; she thought she knew him. She thought she'd recognize him anywhere.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Friday, June 1, 2012

On keeping your wits...
... Or losing your mind

  • Harbour a healthy mistrust for all things and people, but mostly for everything the media says and for propaganda, that is assuming you can identify it.
  • But listen to people, listen with an open mind, they have the truth.
  • Question everything without exception. Ask questions often and much, even if this makes people think you're crazy.
  • Always wear comfortable shoes, you never know when you'll need them.